An idea is the content of cognition, the main thing you are thinking about.
Idea are thoughts conceived by our brain and subconscious mind. Ideas may be influenced by our environment, friends, or what we see or hear. For an idea to be fully formed and become a reality we have 3 stages

Fertilization stage
The usual site of fertilization is the cerebrum of the human brain. This is where our thoughts are being formed and generated. Ideas are not fully formed at this stage. Like mark zuckerberg said "ideas don't come out fully formed. They only become clear as you work on them" The idea just started growing. But many ideas are aborted at this stage as a result of incompetency, fear, doubt, procrastination, discouragement from peers and so on. At this stage the idea need proper antenatal care (proper mentoring) by people who have gone ahead of you to mentor you on how to go about the idea.

Gestational stage
This is the most important, and critical stage. It is also the most lengthy stage. This is the incubating period. It deals mainly with the development of the idea. It involves a lot of research, planning, analyzing and requires maximal efforts, time and resources. Many ideas undergo miscarriage as a result of inconsistency, lack of perseverance, doubt, laziness, insufficient capital and resources. You will need to be focused and determined despite so many critics when working on the idea. The idea need proper nutrients and care for it to be fully developed. You will have to work with like minds and experts in developing the idea. At this stage maximal antenatal care is also needed. If you can scale through this stage, then the idea is almost becoming a reality and will progress to the next stage.

Delivery stage
This is the event of giving birth to the idea. There is a transition between the gestational and delivery stage called the labour stage. Where the idea is about to be launched. It is usually tasking and demanding. You will have to stretch your capacity to deliver the idea. When the idea is finally launched (naming ceremony) and delivered, people start to celebrate it and all the efforts in developing the idea will eventually pay off. You can then pitch your idea to people to get access to more mentors, attract investors and build a formidable team for full implementation and growth of the idea.
Any idea be it positive or negative. good or bad. It's what you feed the subconscious mind with that will eventually sprout out. Coupled with faith and emotions your idea will come out big. You can't just imagine an idea and expect it to explode just like that. You've got to overlay and multiply it with your emotions. Emotions to keep you on the right track, passion to pin the idea to your mind despite cynics opinion. The world celebrates people with idea no more, they only celebrate those who nurture it till puberty.
An idea can change your world and change the world. Don't give up on that idea and remember great things take time. So keep pushing because very soon, your idea will be celebrated.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg had an idea of connecting people together in Harvard community and he invested in it, went through the tough and dark seasons in developing the idea. Now, that same idea is the world's largest online community. Your idea is valid. If u believe it is!!!!

Agboola Progress
Student leader/ Entrepreneur/ Writer/ Social Media Strategist/
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