International Day on Zero Tolerance on FGM.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) comprise of all procedures that involve altering or injuring the female genitalia for non-medical reasons and is recognized internationally as a violation of the human rights of girls and women.
This practice violates their rights to health, security and physical integrity, their right to be free from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, and their right to life when proced results to death.
Due to this, on Tuesday 7th February 2018 we managed to visit Ribe Girls Secondary School where we had an opportunity to enlighten students about #FGM and their roles they can play in #EndFGM in communities.

During the forum with students we focus in human rights and gender equality. We also address issues in sexual reproductive health rights which was conducted by young lady who is a youth activists and nurse from center of studies on adolescent ( CSA) 

To promote the abandonment of #FGM, coordinated and systematic efforts are needed. Due to this we have deliberate program's which will engage the communities through society dialogue and empower them to act collectively to end all forms of gender based violence hence ensuring their is Gender Equality.
We also aim to support more than 1000 young girls who have challenged to get dignity materials.
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